Links to our Friends

This project is appreciative of the support we have received from the following individuals and organizations.


"All in Awe" by Billy Gray

We wanted to share with you a book that changed Pete Swartz's life.   This book was handed to Pete while he was in Southeastern Correctional Institution in 2006,   He took it back to his bunk, read it.   He then declared to his room mate that he would meet this guy someday.    During his prison work release he notice a copy on his employers desk and mentioned how it had changed his life, she immediately picked up the phone,  called Billy (for she had helped support the publishing of this book) and then gave the phone to Pete.   Pete and Billy had an instant connection and they have been good friends ever since.    

So, we wanted to share access to this book that was such an inspiration and life changer for Pete Swartz.      

If you are lucky you can find this book at



True Freedom Ministry

In February of 2015, we meet Mike Swiger as he was doing a presentation in Lancaster, Ohio at our church the River Valley Life Center.   We made a trip to Cleveland to see his ministry, and to learn more about his programs.    He most recently spoke at the River on April of 2015.    If someone you knows is re-entering in Cleveland you might consider contacting this ministry at




River Valley Life Center

We want to thank all the leadership in the River Valley Life Center for their moral support, prayer support and direction in our lives.  Going to church on Sunday is an energizing boost to the week and keeps us centered on Christ as our source of strength and focus.