How to Use Para Cord

How to use Para Cord

  • Bundle stuff together
  • Create a makeshift lanyard
  • Create a neckerchief slide
  • Create a trip wire
  • Create makeshift hand cuffs
  • Create a Par cord Camp Chair With a Towel  -
  • Hang tools from your belt
  • Hang something up off the ground
  • Hang tools from around your neck
  • Hang food in trees to keep the bears away
  • Identify members of a group using different colored armbands or bracelets
  • Keep rolled up items secure
  • Lash together branches to make a lean-to or other type of shelter
  • Lash together logs to make a raft
  • Lash together a ladder from branches
  • Lay out a straight line for planting or games
  • Make a sling for your arm
  • Make traps and snares
  • Make an emergency belt to hold your pants up
  • Make emergency suspenders
  • Make a tow line; double or triple up for extra strength
  • Make a heavier rope by Braiding three strands together.
  • Make a hammock
  • Make a sack for carrying groceries or gear
  • Make a pet leash
  • Make a pet collar
  • Replace a broken bra strap (it happens)
  • Replace broken or missing shoe laces
  • Replace damaged or missing draw strings in packs, bags and sweat pants
  • Repair a zipper pull
  • Secure a tent
  • Secure a tarp between trees
  • Secure your boat or skiff to a tree
  • Secure things to the outside of your backpack
  • Secure a splint
  • Secure a garbage-bag rain poncho around your body to keep you dry
  • String a clothesline
  • Rig a pulley system
  • Bundle stuff together
  • Tie objects together for easier transport
  • Tie tall garden vegetable plants to stakes
  • Tie stuff down so it will not blow away in a storm
  • Tie bad guys or intruders to a tree or chair
  • Tie people together on a trail so that they keep together
  • Identify members of a group using different colored armbands or bracelets


  • Use as sewing thread
  • Use as fishing line
  • Emergency dental floss
  • Emergency suture material when there is nothing else available
  • Temp Replacement for the screw that holds your eye glasses together
  • Fire Starter – Tie around a bundle of burnable and light
  • Use it to whip a rope end to keep it from fraying
  • Use to make a Bow for fire starting (Very difficult)
  • Use it to tie up plants


  •  Make arts and crafts to stave off boredom
  • Teach Knot tying - make it a race - first one done doesn't have to practice any more until the last two, and then test the first two out against the last two.    Often the last two will be the winners which proves that practice makes better.

Only in a True Emergency

  • (note:  para-cord is NOT climbing rope, and is NOT a realistic replacement for true climbing rope; do not expect it to catch you should you fall. For security double or triple the thickness if you can)
  • Lower yourself or an object very carefully down from a height
  • Emergency suture material when stitches need to be made before you can get to an emergency room.
  • Make a tourniquet – However, A belt or something wide is better.   Use your belt for the Tourniquet and Para cord to hold your pants up.

Did we miss anything?   We would love to have your feed back or stories when you have found Para Cord useful.



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